jeudi 1 février 2007


Welcome to February, the month of love. The month when dreams come true. How many of you had a bad January like myself? Yes I had a bad January because I lost one of my closest friends/publicist to death. How many of you have seen the Denzel Washington film Dejavu? where he could go back to the past and change the future...I wish I could go back to first of January 2007 and somehow make Kayode Fayemi remember to take the right inhaler to work (kayode died on the 10th of January after he had an asthma attack and tried to use his inhaler, but it didnt work. It was later discovered that he went to work with the wrong inhaler). I wish I could change all that happened to me this month but we live in the real world where not all things are possible. On the 21st of last month, I also discovered something that I hoped was not possible. I guess life has so much to teach us all

May this new month bring us all happiness and peace of mind

May all our dreams and aspirations come to fruition

May we not shed tears and feel pain

May God be there to guide and protect us all

And for those of you in pain and hurting, may you be healed by God. May he wipe your tears and heal your hearts. May he take all your sorrows away

And for those of you who have lost hope, God will surprise you soon. He has too much in store for you, he's just waiting for the right moment to bestow his blessings upon you

For those of you who need help, call on to God. He loves you too much not to listen to your heart

And before making a decision, call onto God for guidance. He'll never lead you astray.

And always remember, the difference between your problems and its solution is the difference between your knee and the floor. Talk to God today. He knows it all and he loves you too much

Do have a great new month

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