mardi 13 mars 2007


The worst thing about West Africa Idol I think is the presenter, Magical Michael or Mike Magic or whatever his name is. No offence but I don't think this guy qualifies to present something so big...they should have gotten a more professional presenter who has been doing this for so long. Someone with a better accent, who can read from a teleprompter and not make it obvious, someone who can ask intelligent questions and have a comeback to everything said. All he has is good looks and that's not good enough. I'm sorry but that's how I feel about it.

I heard Dare Art Alade was their first choice but he turned it down because of the pay. He said it was too small. Then he changed his mind and wanted the job, but it was too late. They had already given it to MikeMagic.

Seriously, I think they should drop MikeMagic...and the female 'it doesn't work for me' judge from Ghana. Girl, you don't work for me either, sorry!

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