mardi 3 novembre 2009

Toni Kan wins the NDDC/Ken Saro-Wiwa prize for prose

Toni Kan has won the NDDC Ken Saro-Wiwa prize for his collection - Nights of the Creaking Bed. The prize was awarded at the Association of Nigerian Authors (ANA) awards gala night on Saturday 31st October. The book was published in 2008 by Cassava Republic Press.

On winning the award, Toni had this to say, "The ANA awards is the most credible and widely respected literary awards in Nigeria today. I am happy to have received this honour which is, above all else, a recognition of my work and the resurgence of a publishing industry with companies like Cassava Republic at the forefront."

Toni Kan is an award winning poet, essayist and short story writer. He is one of Nigeria's most anthologised young poets and short story writers. Author of the critically acclaimed poetry collection When a Dream Lingers Too Long and the novella Ballad of Rage, his works have appeared in Salthill, Drum Voices, Revue, Farafina, Sentinel Poetry Quarterly and ANA Review.

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