So sorry I haven’t blogged since Tuesday. I have been having the most tiring week. You all recall I kinda hinted that I’m working on a book project? Well, my publishers kidnapped me this week. I couldn’t do anything but work with the editors all through this week; morning till late in the evening. I’d get home too tired to even stare at my laptop. But we finally finished today. They will start printing on Monday and they’ve promised the book will be ready in 2/3 weeks.

The book is titled ‘It Takes You!’ (A Book of Inspiration). Thirty articles. All Inspirational. About 120 pages - all written by my humble self. (How does she do it? She runs her business, blogs regularly and still finds time to write a book? Hmmm...I’m a genius I *I kid*). I’m just a believer in making ones dreams come true.
Anyway, I’m planning big for the book. I’m definitely doing a formal launch...maybe sometime next month. And after that I’m hoping to get either a rich/compassionate person or a corporate organisation to endorse the book, buy into it and pay for the cost of printing thousands of copies which will then be distributed free of charge to students in higher institutions. Hope it works out! And hope I get a lot of support!
I’m also trying to set up a school. Just acquired a new place but the whole process of it is driving me nuts...I can’t catch my breath. *Sigh*.
What I need now is to get...(don’t write it Linda, don’t you dare write it. Young people also read this blog).
What I need now is to get...(don’t write it Linda, don’t you dare write it. Young people also read this blog).
Alright, alright, I won't write it. I'll write this instead. What I need now is...a vacation.
Better Linda.
I’m exhausted I swear.Anyhoo, hope you all are doing great. I’ll get back to regular blogging on Monday. I’m co-ordinating a modeling gig this weekend that will keep me pretty occupied.
Catch you guys then and don’t miss me too much *Smile*.
God bless.Catch you guys then and don’t miss me too much *Smile*.
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