vendredi 6 août 2010

The Afghan teenager mutilated by Taliban...

The Afghan teenager who had her nose and ears sliced off when she ran away from her husband's family is preparing for reconstructive surgery in the U.S.
Aisha, 19, was brutally disfigured by her own husband as an example of the savage 'justice' of the Taliban in Afghanistan.

She was attacked after she attempted to flee her husband's family following years of abuse.


Time magazine has found a specialist hospital in California which has agreed to fund eight months of surgery.

Aisha, who has not revealed her family name for fear of reprisals, was handed over by her father aged 12 as a blood debt after her uncle killed one of her husband's relatives.

After years of misery, she fled but when she was caught, a local Taliban commander acting as judge ordered the medieval-style punishment.

She was often beaten and was mutilated by her husband as his brother held her down.
She now lives in a secret women's shelter in Kabul.

Aisha told Time she could not remember how she managed to walk away to find help after the attack 10 months ago.

She said she was 'happy and excited' to be going to the U.S.
'I don't know if it will help other women or not. I just want to get my nose back,' she said.

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