Baby Eric |
Hello Linda
I absolutely love your blog and commend you for a job well done. More Grease to your elbows.
I was wondering if you could be of help to us.
I had a baby recently and I love him to bits which is normal. We are birthday His name is Eric
I am the lady that complained about not having a baby on your blog and some of the readers prayed for me. No jokes Linda, I took in the following month.
I entered him for the NEXT baby model competition on facebook and I would really love him to win.
We live in the UK and I know we dont stand a chance if I involve the few people I know.
I am pleading with you to please blog about it and put up the link so people can vote for him. It would mean a lot to us if he makes it
God bless you
Amazing right? Oh, how I love blogging. Stories like this make it all worth it...
Please vote for baby Eric here
And God bless everyone who said a prayer for Ayoola
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