lundi 8 novembre 2010

I've found the mother of the rape victim

First I contacted the guys at project alert who have promised to take up this case. Then I managed to find the mother of the 13-year-old girl who was raped and tortured by a co-tenant to the extent that the little girl's intestine gushed out from her vagina after the dastardly act.

The victim is not 13 years old yet. According to the mum, she's 12+. The mum said a lot of heartbreaking stuff to me...wish I could share it all here. All I'll say is we really all have to come together to help this little girl and her mum. All kinds of shitty stuff is going on with this case.

+ they need financial help, the girl is still very sick.
I have the mother's number, for those who want to contact her...for help, for prayers etc. But you're going to have to send me an email to get it. It's probably not appropriate to display her number here. My email is -

If you missed the story, read it here

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