vendredi 6 mai 2011

What do you guys think of adult twins dressing identical all the time?

I understand twins dressing identical...but when it's all the time, then it's no longer cute. My sister's neighbours drive me nuts. Every time I go visit her and I see them, I want to pull the weave on head till I bleed. I've never seen anything like it...everything they wear is identical, from the clothes, to the slippers to ear rings, watch, wrist band, to the colour of weave and hair style, and I'm sure their under wear. How do we tell you guys apart if you beaches keeping wearing exact same stuff? Even identical twins need their own identity...whaharell? As children and teens and even young's cute. But as grown ass 30-something year olds? You guys are pissing me off.!!!

I'm complaining so much because one of them told my sister that I don't greet her whenever I see her. Beach, how am I supposed to greet you again when I just greeted you about 30 minutes ago? Oh, that was your sister? How was I supposed to know that? Y'all look same to me. But see, if you insist on dressing identical all the time, how about one of you fall, hit your head on the ground, and have a visible permanent scar, so we common people can tell you guys apart? And then I can greet you every time I see you, how about that?
LOL, just messing around. True story tho

So, what's your take on identical twins in identical clothing?

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