lundi 6 juin 2011

Feedback On 'Should I Stay Or Go?'

Dear LIB Comment Contributors,
You are very wonderful and special. Your comments have changed my life to the fullest. After going through your comments, I have decided to leave based on the following.
I know God gave me the Job so that I should come out of my Egypt. ( I was like under Pharaoh's authority). I have been faithful enough to this man to make my marriage work but he wasnt there for me.  All the illtreatments I was facing was a sign that he wanted me to voluntarily move out of his life.
To those who say that (i may lose my job someday) Thank you for contributing but this job is a gift from God and only the devil can take it away and since he (the devil) did not contribute to my sucess, I forbid him to take what God gave me in Jesus' Name (Amen).
I am leaving and Once again - THANK YOU readers and keep reading
All the LIB readers and those who commented on my story.  You have done alot to my life and that of my kid.

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