mardi 26 mars 2013

Top 10 List of Aquatic Plants

Aquatic plants are one of the important factors in an ecosystem. They have their own important role in a particular food chain of our environment.

Aquatic plants are also beautiful and can be very exotic to see. Some aquatic plants are yet to be discover out there in the wild.

For this particular top 10 list of aquatic plants, we are featuring aquatic plants that can be found and seen in a pond or a river.

Here is the top 10 list of aquatic plants.

Top 10 List of Aquatic Plants

TOP : 1
Plant Name : Schoenoplectus lacustris subsp. tabernaemontani 'Zebrinus'
Schoenoplectus lacustris subsp. tabernaemontani 'Zebrinus'
Image courtesy of

TOP : 2
Plant Name : Carex elata 'Aurea'
Carex elata 'Aurea'
Image courtesy of

TOP : 3
Plant Name : Cyperus involucratus
Cyperus involucratus
Image courtesy of

TOP : 4
Plant Name : Iris laevigata 'Variegata'
Iris laevigata 'Variegata'
Image courtesy of

TOP : 5
Plant Name : Veronica beccabunga
Veronica beccabunga
Image courtesy of

TOP : 6
Plant Name : Anemopsis californica
Anemopsis californica
Image courtesy of

TOP : 7
Plant Name : Iris pseudacorus 'Berlin Tiger'
Iris pseudacorus 'Berlin Tiger'
Image courtesy of

TOP : 8
Plant Name : Myosotis scorpioides
Myosotis scorpioides
Image courtesy of

TOP : 9
Plant Name : Nymphaea 'Pygmaea Helvola'
Nymphaea 'Pygmaea Helvola'
Image courtesy of

TOP : 10
Plant Name : Callitriche verna
Callitriche verna
Image courtesy of

For more information about the top 10 list of aquatic plants you can visit

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