samedi 26 novembre 2011

Ruben Studdard is getting a divorce - wifey wants his money

The 33yr old American Idol winner last week filed for divorce from his wife of only three years, Zuri McCants. Ruben lists 'a complete incompatibility of temperament' as his reason for filing for divorce. Now his wife is coming for his money...continue...

From Rumor Fix
Surati Zuri McCants claims Ruben Studdard who is giving her a $500 a month allowance has “substantial income” and she is requesting spousal maintenance and support and “an equitable division of all marital property.” She’s also asking for the following …

• to be the sole occupant of their home
• keep the 2006 BMW 530i she got as a Christmas gift
• attorney fees

Although she signed a pre-nuptial agreement, McCants is claiming that she did not “receive a fair and reasonable disclosure of liabilities and income” from Studdard. “The disclosure .. is woefully inadequate and meaningless that it smacks of fraud and deception.”

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